Wednesday 7 February 2024

Review - Wardah Colourfit Foundation SPF 30

Assalamualaikum, hii guys !

Sampai ke harini, adalah dalam sebulan lebih aku konsisten pakai wardah foundation ni hari2. Sebelum ni duk pakai bedak compact wardah kaler biru tu je sebab nak cepat HOWEVERR.. I ADA JERAWAT KAT DAHI ha kecik2 mcm pasir tu. so memang kalau pakai bedak compact tepek2 tak cantik ye coverage.. maybe sebab dahiku bertekstur tidak rata HAHAHA.. mcm pasir pantai.

so untuk mengekalkan kejelitaan walaupun takde niat nak ngorat sesapa pun kat campus, kita punya elegant dan kekemasan daaaannn kecantikan harus dijaga yaa hshshsh.

I actually got no time to write but i still wanna write so let me go straight to the points you are searching for hehehe.

So TBH, aku sukaaa sangat dengan this wardah foundation sebab :

1. light weight.. rasa mcm tak pakai apa2

2. natural finishing.. as how it claims "colourfit" so it blends well with your skin.

3. oil control

4. CHEAP !!! ni paling penting yee sebab i masih student. DUIT TAKDEE JE MANJANG.

5. colour dia tak oxidized sangat pun, still nampak cerah after pakai a few hours.

6. i apply pakai jari and it goes smootly on skin, with natural finishing. tapi kalau korang banyak parut jerawat tu, suggest pakai sponge for better coverage / easier to spread.

I beli code OLIVE BEIGE 33W. Ni code paling dekat dgn skin kat leher i. Botol dia pun kecik je, senang nak selit dlm beg telekung untuk reapply after solat etc. Travel friendly jugak ni. 

nahh link shopee tempat i beli :


go add to cart now, so that kalau ada shocking sale, at least you nampak kat cart youu !!!

Tengok finishing dia.. ni i pakai nipis sangat, and without concealer so parut jerawat still nampak. ni i reapply after solat zuhur around 1.30pm and took this photo at around 4.30pm

kalau tengah sale boleh jatuh harga jadi RM14 je sebotol. NP: RM28. Babeee !!! IMAGINE sebotol harga 14 je weh, murah, sumpah murah. boleh dah stop beli foundation maybelline, jangan sokong ISRAHELL okayy, dah la maybelline foundatio tu mahal, rasa heavy pulak hshshs (review jujur from me).

Btw, ni resit i beli haritu.

dah tu je nak bebel, byeee, sehingga ketemu lagi yaa ! hshshs