Friday 18 October 2019

WOW UniKL RCMP - MBBS Registration September 2019

Assalamualaikum and hi there !

Congratulations for those who are chosen to be here in this program. I can say that RCMP is one of the best institute for MBBS as it has a lot of hands-on activities.

After graduating from Foundation in Science -UniKL at Kolej MARA Kuala Nerang, my batch and I continue our degree in MBBS at Universiti Kuala Lumpur - Royal College of Medicine Perak which is located in Ipoh.

I am very thankful to Him, as he made me study here, in Rcmp. UniKL RCMP is just 15 minutes away from my house ! Ahhahhahh. Puas aku duduk Ipoh 😂

The day i registered is the most memorable day because it marks the beginning of my degree life.

So, dengan berbekalkan dokumen pendaftaran, borang MARA and stuffs and not to forget, massive support from my whole family , i went for the registration and Alhamdulillah all went well. Smooth je process kat sini. Just make sure anda tak tertinggal apa2 dokumen..

My friends and i ( a total of 4) planned to be roommates since college and we came together during registration. So, if you guys want to be together in a hostel, do register together.

Hostel :

Rcmp has 2 towers for students' dwellings. I would like to remind that this campus is so small causing only students in the first year / first semester are able to stay in hostels.

Talking about hostel, here i share some photos of my room ( Tower A : Lvl 10 : Room 5 ). Quite beautiful and cosy actually.. and fyi, only rooms at level 10  and a few rooms at other levels got green, shining floor 😮

Cantik enn 😍😍😍

Pintu bilik, yg kanan tu pintu cloth line.

Baru check-in

Ruang untuk letak toiletries and patutnya ada cloth line..
tapi maklumlah, jadi penghuni pertama level 10 blok A, cloth line pun takde lagi.

My roommates and I got to be the first batch to live at level 10 tower A ( almost everything is new).
So far, I'm satisfied with the facilities provided.


Here in UniKL, we call the orientation program as WOW which stands for welcoming & orientation week. It's just the same like MDS in uitm.

Here i attached our sept 2019 WOW schedule.

WOW is more to club briefing, plus a few activities to increase cooperation and quick thinking skill.

The best part is, we did video conference 3 times with other 11 unikl campuses (2700 new students if I'm not mistaken).

My orientation group. we took this pic after the talent time in WOW session.

We won the third place for the sketch (Talent time).

The next to weeks after WOW session, we start our very first learning sessions and for MBBS, it is more to developing you into being a passionate doctor-in-the-making.

2 weeks after the WOW sessions is named as PPD weeks ( Personal and Professional Development). The professors  taught us things about ethics being a doctor, alturism, public speaking, and even the correct way to digest a few pages in a short period of time.

Picture of us taking quiz after being asked to digest 3 pages in half an hour

Belum lecture dah quiz.. 😂😂

Btw, during this PPD week, you'll get your very first assignment here by a prof. She'll assign you to make a personal EPORTFOLIO.. by using Google Site..

Medsoc Night:

Medsoc is a short form of Medical Society. Every student in MBBS program is a member of Medsoc. During medsoc night, the seniors will give a briefing abut the club, and there'll be registration for new members of MedSoc plus Preloved Medial Book Sale.

In the Blue Lecture Theatre

Preloved Medical Books Sale at the Student Lounge.
After a week in RCMP, our foundation lecturers from KMKN came here for meeting and e had a selfie. Sorry for putting this pic here but I just want to keep it here, in my blog.

A part of YTP KMKN 18/19 in front of RCMP new building.

Hit me up for any questions and infos. 😊
I'm sorry if I write too much for this post. I'm just too excited and contented. Heee