Friday 18 October 2019

WOW UniKL RCMP - MBBS Registration September 2019

Assalamualaikum and hi there !

Congratulations for those who are chosen to be here in this program. I can say that RCMP is one of the best institute for MBBS as it has a lot of hands-on activities.

After graduating from Foundation in Science -UniKL at Kolej MARA Kuala Nerang, my batch and I continue our degree in MBBS at Universiti Kuala Lumpur - Royal College of Medicine Perak which is located in Ipoh.

I am very thankful to Him, as he made me study here, in Rcmp. UniKL RCMP is just 15 minutes away from my house ! Ahhahhahh. Puas aku duduk Ipoh 😂

The day i registered is the most memorable day because it marks the beginning of my degree life.

So, dengan berbekalkan dokumen pendaftaran, borang MARA and stuffs and not to forget, massive support from my whole family , i went for the registration and Alhamdulillah all went well. Smooth je process kat sini. Just make sure anda tak tertinggal apa2 dokumen..

My friends and i ( a total of 4) planned to be roommates since college and we came together during registration. So, if you guys want to be together in a hostel, do register together.

Hostel :

Rcmp has 2 towers for students' dwellings. I would like to remind that this campus is so small causing only students in the first year / first semester are able to stay in hostels.

Talking about hostel, here i share some photos of my room ( Tower A : Lvl 10 : Room 5 ). Quite beautiful and cosy actually.. and fyi, only rooms at level 10  and a few rooms at other levels got green, shining floor 😮

Cantik enn 😍😍😍

Pintu bilik, yg kanan tu pintu cloth line.

Baru check-in

Ruang untuk letak toiletries and patutnya ada cloth line..
tapi maklumlah, jadi penghuni pertama level 10 blok A, cloth line pun takde lagi.

My roommates and I got to be the first batch to live at level 10 tower A ( almost everything is new).
So far, I'm satisfied with the facilities provided.


Here in UniKL, we call the orientation program as WOW which stands for welcoming & orientation week. It's just the same like MDS in uitm.

Here i attached our sept 2019 WOW schedule.

WOW is more to club briefing, plus a few activities to increase cooperation and quick thinking skill.

The best part is, we did video conference 3 times with other 11 unikl campuses (2700 new students if I'm not mistaken).

My orientation group. we took this pic after the talent time in WOW session.

We won the third place for the sketch (Talent time).

The next to weeks after WOW session, we start our very first learning sessions and for MBBS, it is more to developing you into being a passionate doctor-in-the-making.

2 weeks after the WOW sessions is named as PPD weeks ( Personal and Professional Development). The professors  taught us things about ethics being a doctor, alturism, public speaking, and even the correct way to digest a few pages in a short period of time.

Picture of us taking quiz after being asked to digest 3 pages in half an hour

Belum lecture dah quiz.. 😂😂

Btw, during this PPD week, you'll get your very first assignment here by a prof. She'll assign you to make a personal EPORTFOLIO.. by using Google Site..

Medsoc Night:

Medsoc is a short form of Medical Society. Every student in MBBS program is a member of Medsoc. During medsoc night, the seniors will give a briefing abut the club, and there'll be registration for new members of MedSoc plus Preloved Medial Book Sale.

In the Blue Lecture Theatre

Preloved Medical Books Sale at the Student Lounge.
After a week in RCMP, our foundation lecturers from KMKN came here for meeting and e had a selfie. Sorry for putting this pic here but I just want to keep it here, in my blog.

A part of YTP KMKN 18/19 in front of RCMP new building.

Hit me up for any questions and infos. 😊
I'm sorry if I write too much for this post. I'm just too excited and contented. Heee


  1. Yuran kemasukan rm 930 dan yuran asrama labcoat etc Rm 2700 bayar sendiri. Tapi separuh yuran pengajian tahun 1 Rn30000 dibayar oleh Mara bagi siapa yg biasiswa mara

  2. Yuran kemasukan dan yuran asrama labcoat etc tu prlu byr semua waktu pendaftaran ke, pastu separuh yuran pengajian yg prlu dbyr tu msti byr slps hbis pengajian tahun 1 ke, ke lain? Pastu, byrn pengajian tu macam pinjaman boleh laras tu eh?

    1. Tak, yuran hostel, selewatnya sebelum final sem 1. Tuition fees, dan elaun bulanan je yg ditanggung pinjaman boleh ubah tu. Hostel, labcoat dan duit yg sikit2 tu bayar sendiri

  3. Nak tahu,kalau toilet tu dkt asrama tu macam mana eh, setiap bilik ada satu toilet ke, kelain?

  4. Toilet kat asrama, setiap aras ada satu pusat toilet,7 shower 7 toilet. Siap dgn tempat basuh baju (cuci tangan). Toilet kongsi.

  5. Mmg fixed ke sem 1 je blh duduk hostel? Kalau Ka duduk jauh tu mcm mne?

  6. Yes, kena duduk rumah sewa atau bilik sewa (rumah kedai). Selain newbies, setahu saya, yg duduk hostel ialah RCC (residential college committee),dan ulul albab ( tahfiz). Yg lain boleh je buat rayuan tapi susah nak dapat.

  7. hye n good evening, if i may ask, how is the syllabus @RCMP for foundation in medical science. and if you do have notes or slides or any contacts would you mind give it to me? thank you so much

    1. do reply me ..once again,thank you so much

  8. Elaun bulanan untuk ytp di rcmp berapa sebulan kak

    1. RM 654.50. ni zaman saya, it may change, based on many factors.

  9. HI nak tanya,mcm mana nk apply rcmp ni? and how to get pinjaman mara?

    1. Hii maaf lambat reply. I was busy with my final. Saya apply melalui web mara. Young Talent Programme. Jadi saya dulu foundation in science di Kolej Mara Kuala Nerang YTP KMKN.

      Itu saluran mara. Boleh juga apply sendiri foundation in medical science di UniKL RCMP, cuma bayaran adalah sendirian berhad yee..

  10. Salam kak, sy ni bakal jadi pelajar mbbs tahun 1 di rcmp, tahun 2020. Tq sbb sudi tulis blog ni utk panduan sy dan dpt semangat la nk study degree nanti.

    Ada soalan, pelajar lelaki mbbs tahun 1 duduk hostel di dlm rcmp atau di luar rcmp?

    1. Wassalam. Maaf reply lambat. I was busy with my final. Alhamdulillah congrats. Pelajar lelaki pun duduk dlm, as long as dia year 1. Nanti start year 2 duduk rumah sewa. Bila2 free tegurlah saya kat rcmp. We can build strong connection between seniors and juniors 😊. At least boleh laa nak tanya apa2 yg tak pasti nanti.

  11. Boleh tahu foundation ni boleh apply mara?

    1. Foundation tak pasti, tapi bila dah degree, boleh apply mara. Lulus pinjaman mara atau tak, tu bergantung pada income family.

  12. Boleh tahu tak sama ada student yang bukan drpd program mara boleh apply ke mbbs di rcmp ni? macam saya drpd asasi universiti awam..

    1. boleh je. Dalam batch saya, ada ramai yang dari asasi UPM, Uitm,UM dann banyak lagi. Try contact UniKL RCMP fot further infos and tanya bila nak daftar kemasukan. Acceptance based on availability dan interview session.

  13. syllabus untuk first and second year apa ya akak?

  14. Hii, currently I’m doing my last module in Year 2. So basically, kita belajar ikut module untuk pre clinical (year 1, year 2). Year 1 kita ada modul FOMS1, FOMS2, MSSK, CVS, Respi. Untuk year 2, ada GIT, Endo, SSM, UnR dan CNS. Now saya tgh buat CNS.. pray for me ya, dah nak dekat Pro exam ni.. nanti bila sempat I’ll create new post utk cerita semua tentang preclinical modules..

    Kalau nak tanya apa2 yang urgent, boleh email je okiess. No worries, i won’t bite.

  15. Salam guys, okay, I was as clueless as you beforee. So, if you guys have any question just hit me up either on instagram @nurnad_15 or email I would be very happy to help you with regards to what i wrote. Kalau comment kat sini, probably it’ll takes about 2 to 3 months for me to reply, bcs I’m very busy with my studies sampai tak perasan ada comment baru.. sebab dia tak masuk noti.

  16. Hellow, I am thinking of applying here, but may I know biasiswa mara tu depends on income family je ke? And berapa banyak yang dia tanggung?
