Friday 15 May 2020

Saya Nak Jadi Doktor!

Salam, hii. Minta maaf, title melayu tapi cerita English. Sorry bahasa rojak juga. I'm just too excited..
 tag: Doctor to be, i want to be a doctor

I have been keeping this dream since primary school. Eventhough i didn't know how does it look like to be a doctor, (all i knew was, a doctor treats people who are ill) my atuk did convinced me, it's a noble occupation.

Keeping that ambition deep inside me, I didn't look at other profession at all. For me, other works are unactractive.
- pardon me for my opinion, it's just my point of view, other occupations are noble and important as well ✌🏻-

Never have I ever thought that now, I'm pursuing my study in a medical school. One of the reason is that, I failed to put 10A's on my PT3 result. I knew in my heart, I broke ayah's heart that day. 

Ayah taught me a lot. He was the one who asked me to do extra homework during weekends, the one keeping an eye on me. My mom did it too, she taught me Physics at school. ( Yes, I was a teacher's daughter)

Then I promised myself I'll do anything to get 9A's for my SPM, because if i fail again, I have to forget this ambition forever. -(because I am hoping for scholarship, plus they'll only favour those with all A's) 

Each day I prayed, asking God to favour me for my Spm as a compensation for my plain PT3 result.

Addmath and Chemistry were the killers, both made my results ugly hahahah.

Unbelievably, I did it. I took my result literally on my birthday, 15 March 2018. I cried on the stage hahahhhah. Seeing those pictures taken on that day - i whispered myself, " How ugly I was, to cry on stage". Tangisan kegembiraan. Tambah pulak, masa tu I don’t know why my face had a terrible breakout. So there were pictures showing like a sprinkle of redness on my face, but who cares, I excelled, i got straight A’s 😂😂, I ranked second in my school !

Today, there is only a few years left before I become a real doctor. Everything happens so fast as if I'm daydreaming. 

Just a picture of me wearing labcoat. 😊👩🏻‍⚕️

So to anybody out there, as long as you have eagerness upon something you like, you are going to get it if you fertilize your dream with hardworks and reliance to your God.

I believe you can do it. 

But if you fail after all hardworks and sacrifices, He has a better plan for you.  He knows what’s best.


  1. may I ask you something personally? may I?

  2. Akak smbung foundation dekat unikl ke?

    1. I did my foundation back in 2018-2019 at Kolej Mara Kuala Nerang under YTP Mara programme. Now I’m nearing the end of my Year 2 MBBS
