Saturday 26 June 2021

Struggles as a medical student during MCO / PKP

Assalamualaikum and hii everyone. Today, Nadhirah is gonna rant a lot on her struggling that is happpening since March 2020. It has been about more than a year and it is still ongoing. There’s no sign of it to cease soon but only Allah knows. Nadhirah dont talk much on Twitter so here is her bebelan. To those who suddenly feel attacked or disagree on the mattters that will be discussed after this, you may leave. Thanks. Ahahaha

First and foremost, everyone knows that the class starts at 8 and it ends at 5. We do have our breaks at 10am and 1 pm for lunch and zuhur prayer. Everything happens as usual but it differs when we have to have it AT HOME. Distractions, siblings, self dicipline, time management, and I, i mean we tend to fall asleep due to uncondusive surrounding. My house is too cosy, as if it is tempting me to sleep, to just ignore my schedule.

Nad everytime she waits for the doctor  - presentation sessions. 🤣 ipad aka mirror selfie ni macam acara wajib pulak bila dh online2 ni. Look at how my house is, how can I not fall asleep during class?! Mcm gelap je, mcm best je tidur HAHAHHA.

2.  lecturer forgot their class scheduled for the day, we tried to contact them thru whatsapp but effort stayed in vain. Class postponed to a date , making that particular date a much more busy than usual. Tapi ni jarang berlaku lah, tapi kalau berlaku, yes tension jugaklah.

Saja simpan sini, nanti bila baca balik owh, teringat mcm mana nad belajar time pre clinical years.
I dont know why these pictures are like blurred / reduced in quality. Kalau tak jelas, i mean for a clearer image, just click on the picture okay. 

Ni 2 months ago, when covid was under control in Ipoh, Perak, so we had hybrid classes. Tgh dengar lecture online, sambil breakfast nasi lemak free for students, provided by I am not sure, either SRC or RCC. Hahaha janji free, kita makan.

3.  online discussion sucks because the internet connection is unstable. Voices are heard but its like robot speaking, putus2. Kadang tu, macam alien pun ya. HAHAHHA

Ni pulak video call dgn patient, utk CAS program (Community Attachment Scheme) in which we were  guided by the lecturer on how to do history taking, and we were asked to interview and make a report about the patient. We could have been to the patient’s house if it wasn’t due to covid . Takpelah, kita video call je, redha walaupun, agak susah ya, sebab patient tu, line dia teruk sgt, so, banyak input yg kami tak dpt catat.

4.  online practical, meaning we have to learn the way to take blood pressure, learn about injections, inspection of the body online, so there’ll be no hands on.. which will affect our skills when we enter clinical year.

Ni masa practice ICE session (hands-on) utk male cathetherization. Masa ni covid agak terkawal, so dapat lah sebulan lebih gi campus, we had hybrid classes, in which, lectures were all online - as usual, but practicals and hands-on were done physically in the labs. 

5.  worst thing ever happened  - postponed eom (End Of Module) a.k.a final exam for every module, and indirectly causes back to back exam. - 2 eom which will be conducted one after another! Memang kami pandai, memang pharmaco, patho, anat, physio, microb, parasito, ILA semua dlm otak dh utk 2 module tu, hmm. Sampaikan ada kawan nad cakap, “bunuh jelah kiterang kalau macam ni “ hahsahshahsha stress sgt dah tuu…ada beberapa hari je in between 2 big exams, THIS IS TOTALLY ABSURD.

Me when I was setting my camera on TEAMS meeting - lecturer pantau kita exam, takut kita meniru, copy google etc. Pardon my face, masa ni Nad terbangun lambat, this happened 3 days ago, i was on my period so, malam tu mesntrual cramp teruk, memang tak study lah, then takleh tidur sebab sakit, tup2 esok nya, terbangun pukul 8.35 pagi, exam kul 9.00. Once terjaga, terus cari laptop dan cas hp, sbb hp nak pkai untuk on camera. HAHAHAH jawab exam tak mandi. Tu muka sembab je.

Dah la exam online, line slow namateyyy, kita habis masa exam tu dekat loading ye, loading. 💆🏻‍♀️💆🏻‍♀️💆🏻‍♀️

6.   i miss my friends, lecturers, BLT, MPH, cafe, library and student lounge so bad that I smilee everytime I see my friends faces in their instagram stories / whatsapp status 😭😭😭. Ingat lagi petang2 bahagia je balik dari kelas, drive ke rumah 😂.

Ni after habis class, kelas petang cancel, so habis lab balik awall 😂 rindunya masa ni, about 2 months ago, i drove every single day to campus very early in the morning, lebih kurang jam 6.45 pagi. Keluar awal sebab nak elak traffic jam and nak berebut parking student yang limited edition hahahah 😂.

Hopefully this pandemic will back off soon. To you, Yes, you who are reading this, I just want to tell you, My friends and I are gonna sit for our Professional Exam 1 (to qualify us before entering clinical years) in less than a month from now, PLEASE PRAY FOR US. Ya Allah, banyaknyee nak study. 

I just finished my CNS exam 2 days ago. Rasa mcm kepala baru je pecah. 

Last, saja nak ckp, Belajar Medik tu best, menarik sangat, tapi yang sakit tu ialah bila nak exam, rasa nak nangis, eh tak2, memang dh nangis dah pun 😭😭😭😊. K dah, tu je, semoga nad dan rakan2nya pass every exam without repitition, Aamiinn.

1 comment:

  1. Thankyou for sharing all of this. I have read all what you wrote in your blog. I got a lot of benefits. I just want to wish may you be a successful person in dunia and akhirat, may Allah always bless and protect you and your family and also i want to wish all the best for your pro exam. Thankyou ^_^
