Wednesday 7 February 2024

Review - Wardah Colourfit Foundation SPF 30

Assalamualaikum, hii guys !

Sampai ke harini, adalah dalam sebulan lebih aku konsisten pakai wardah foundation ni hari2. Sebelum ni duk pakai bedak compact wardah kaler biru tu je sebab nak cepat HOWEVERR.. I ADA JERAWAT KAT DAHI ha kecik2 mcm pasir tu. so memang kalau pakai bedak compact tepek2 tak cantik ye coverage.. maybe sebab dahiku bertekstur tidak rata HAHAHA.. mcm pasir pantai.

so untuk mengekalkan kejelitaan walaupun takde niat nak ngorat sesapa pun kat campus, kita punya elegant dan kekemasan daaaannn kecantikan harus dijaga yaa hshshsh.

I actually got no time to write but i still wanna write so let me go straight to the points you are searching for hehehe.

So TBH, aku sukaaa sangat dengan this wardah foundation sebab :

1. light weight.. rasa mcm tak pakai apa2

2. natural finishing.. as how it claims "colourfit" so it blends well with your skin.

3. oil control

4. CHEAP !!! ni paling penting yee sebab i masih student. DUIT TAKDEE JE MANJANG.

5. colour dia tak oxidized sangat pun, still nampak cerah after pakai a few hours.

6. i apply pakai jari and it goes smootly on skin, with natural finishing. tapi kalau korang banyak parut jerawat tu, suggest pakai sponge for better coverage / easier to spread.

I beli code OLIVE BEIGE 33W. Ni code paling dekat dgn skin kat leher i. Botol dia pun kecik je, senang nak selit dlm beg telekung untuk reapply after solat etc. Travel friendly jugak ni. 

nahh link shopee tempat i beli :


go add to cart now, so that kalau ada shocking sale, at least you nampak kat cart youu !!!

Tengok finishing dia.. ni i pakai nipis sangat, and without concealer so parut jerawat still nampak. ni i reapply after solat zuhur around 1.30pm and took this photo at around 4.30pm

kalau tengah sale boleh jatuh harga jadi RM14 je sebotol. NP: RM28. Babeee !!! IMAGINE sebotol harga 14 je weh, murah, sumpah murah. boleh dah stop beli foundation maybelline, jangan sokong ISRAHELL okayy, dah la maybelline foundatio tu mahal, rasa heavy pulak hshshs (review jujur from me).

Btw, ni resit i beli haritu.

dah tu je nak bebel, byeee, sehingga ketemu lagi yaa ! hshshs

Saturday 26 June 2021

Struggles as a medical student during MCO / PKP

Assalamualaikum and hii everyone. Today, Nadhirah is gonna rant a lot on her struggling that is happpening since March 2020. It has been about more than a year and it is still ongoing. There’s no sign of it to cease soon but only Allah knows. Nadhirah dont talk much on Twitter so here is her bebelan. To those who suddenly feel attacked or disagree on the mattters that will be discussed after this, you may leave. Thanks. Ahahaha

First and foremost, everyone knows that the class starts at 8 and it ends at 5. We do have our breaks at 10am and 1 pm for lunch and zuhur prayer. Everything happens as usual but it differs when we have to have it AT HOME. Distractions, siblings, self dicipline, time management, and I, i mean we tend to fall asleep due to uncondusive surrounding. My house is too cosy, as if it is tempting me to sleep, to just ignore my schedule.

Nad everytime she waits for the doctor  - presentation sessions. 🤣 ipad aka mirror selfie ni macam acara wajib pulak bila dh online2 ni. Look at how my house is, how can I not fall asleep during class?! Mcm gelap je, mcm best je tidur HAHAHHA.

2.  lecturer forgot their class scheduled for the day, we tried to contact them thru whatsapp but effort stayed in vain. Class postponed to a date , making that particular date a much more busy than usual. Tapi ni jarang berlaku lah, tapi kalau berlaku, yes tension jugaklah.

Saja simpan sini, nanti bila baca balik owh, teringat mcm mana nad belajar time pre clinical years.
I dont know why these pictures are like blurred / reduced in quality. Kalau tak jelas, i mean for a clearer image, just click on the picture okay. 

Ni 2 months ago, when covid was under control in Ipoh, Perak, so we had hybrid classes. Tgh dengar lecture online, sambil breakfast nasi lemak free for students, provided by I am not sure, either SRC or RCC. Hahaha janji free, kita makan.

3.  online discussion sucks because the internet connection is unstable. Voices are heard but its like robot speaking, putus2. Kadang tu, macam alien pun ya. HAHAHHA

Ni pulak video call dgn patient, utk CAS program (Community Attachment Scheme) in which we were  guided by the lecturer on how to do history taking, and we were asked to interview and make a report about the patient. We could have been to the patient’s house if it wasn’t due to covid . Takpelah, kita video call je, redha walaupun, agak susah ya, sebab patient tu, line dia teruk sgt, so, banyak input yg kami tak dpt catat.

4.  online practical, meaning we have to learn the way to take blood pressure, learn about injections, inspection of the body online, so there’ll be no hands on.. which will affect our skills when we enter clinical year.

Ni masa practice ICE session (hands-on) utk male cathetherization. Masa ni covid agak terkawal, so dapat lah sebulan lebih gi campus, we had hybrid classes, in which, lectures were all online - as usual, but practicals and hands-on were done physically in the labs. 

5.  worst thing ever happened  - postponed eom (End Of Module) a.k.a final exam for every module, and indirectly causes back to back exam. - 2 eom which will be conducted one after another! Memang kami pandai, memang pharmaco, patho, anat, physio, microb, parasito, ILA semua dlm otak dh utk 2 module tu, hmm. Sampaikan ada kawan nad cakap, “bunuh jelah kiterang kalau macam ni “ hahsahshahsha stress sgt dah tuu…ada beberapa hari je in between 2 big exams, THIS IS TOTALLY ABSURD.

Me when I was setting my camera on TEAMS meeting - lecturer pantau kita exam, takut kita meniru, copy google etc. Pardon my face, masa ni Nad terbangun lambat, this happened 3 days ago, i was on my period so, malam tu mesntrual cramp teruk, memang tak study lah, then takleh tidur sebab sakit, tup2 esok nya, terbangun pukul 8.35 pagi, exam kul 9.00. Once terjaga, terus cari laptop dan cas hp, sbb hp nak pkai untuk on camera. HAHAHAH jawab exam tak mandi. Tu muka sembab je.

Dah la exam online, line slow namateyyy, kita habis masa exam tu dekat loading ye, loading. 💆🏻‍♀️💆🏻‍♀️💆🏻‍♀️

6.   i miss my friends, lecturers, BLT, MPH, cafe, library and student lounge so bad that I smilee everytime I see my friends faces in their instagram stories / whatsapp status 😭😭😭. Ingat lagi petang2 bahagia je balik dari kelas, drive ke rumah 😂.

Ni after habis class, kelas petang cancel, so habis lab balik awall 😂 rindunya masa ni, about 2 months ago, i drove every single day to campus very early in the morning, lebih kurang jam 6.45 pagi. Keluar awal sebab nak elak traffic jam and nak berebut parking student yang limited edition hahahah 😂.

Hopefully this pandemic will back off soon. To you, Yes, you who are reading this, I just want to tell you, My friends and I are gonna sit for our Professional Exam 1 (to qualify us before entering clinical years) in less than a month from now, PLEASE PRAY FOR US. Ya Allah, banyaknyee nak study. 

I just finished my CNS exam 2 days ago. Rasa mcm kepala baru je pecah. 

Last, saja nak ckp, Belajar Medik tu best, menarik sangat, tapi yang sakit tu ialah bila nak exam, rasa nak nangis, eh tak2, memang dh nangis dah pun 😭😭😭😊. K dah, tu je, semoga nad dan rakan2nya pass every exam without repitition, Aamiinn.

Wednesday 13 January 2021

3 lessons I learnt. ( 3 pengajaran hidup yang aku belajar hari ni.)

Salam Hii everyone!

I’ve been away for quite some time, juggling with my online studies. Been away for almost a year, I guess. The only thing that brought me here is my desire to rant, to spill off my thoughts. Recently, something happened to someone close to me. And from that, I’m thinking of pouring down all those stuff inside my head, hoping that people will read and take benefit of it.

Tapi, aku nak cerita dalam bahasa melayu lah, sebab lebih ‘sampai’. Korang tau kan, sometimes, ada perkataan dalam English yang mcm orang kata, ‘tak cukup sampai’.. some of the words la. Only some of it. Or, maybe, my vocab is not that enough to deliver my message. Jadi. Aku pakai BM ya! Martabatkan bahasa kita ☺️☺️

3 perkara yang aku belajar tu ialah ;

1. Bersyukur dengan apa yang kita ada.

2. Hidup dengan kehidupan kita, bukan kehidupan orang lain.

3. Belajar untuk menyesuaikan diri, bukan meminta keadaan untuk disesuaikan mengikut kehendak kita.

Maka, dengan ini, aku start untuk kosongkan semula otak aku yang memang dah jem dengan hal medik + dengan 3 perkara tadi. Sian aku tau.. hari ni dah la penat belajar. Ni baru dapat ‘clearkan brain storage’. Takpe2 niat kerana Allah.  Ada pahala jihad belajar disitu.

1. Bersyukur dengan apa yang kita ada.

Sebenarnya, benda ni semua orang dah tau. It’s a common sense. Balik2 kalau pergi ceramah mana2 pun, ada je disentuh bab bersyukur ni. Sebab kita manusia, perlu sentiasa diingatkan dgn rasa syukur. Sepanjang aku hidup 21 tahun ni.. ceh, baru 21. Haa takpe, sekurang2nya aku dapat belajar sesuatu. Ok ok berbalik pada cerita asal. Sepanjang aku hidup 21 tahun ni, aku ada ramai kawan. Ada yang kaya, maksud aku, jenis yang memang kaya gila. Nak apa semua dapat. Dan ada jugak yang miskin, miskin yang aku rasa, bagi aku, dah boleh kira miskin sangat lah. Ada jugak yang sederhana, macam aku. Yang sederhana ni biasa-biasalah. 

Ok. Yang kaya ni, serious kaya betul. Boleh kata, pendapatan isi rumah sebulan tu, berpuluh2 ribu, sorry ya geng, bagi aku, tu dah kaya betul dah. Sebab bolehh dikategorikan sebagai, nak beli apa, beli je tanpa berfikir panjang. Nak pulak, kawan2 aku yang kaya ni, kalau tak anak tunggal, adik-beradik dia mesti paling ramai 3 orang la. Kira memang orang yang terlebih senang la. Gadjet dia, semua latest, rumah lawa, banglo kau. Nak apa semua dapat. Hmm..memang kaya.

Pastu, kawan aku yang miskin ni pulak, sejak ayah dia meninggal time kami sekolah rendah dulu, hidup dia susah sangat. Nak pulak dia anak sulung. Ada lagi adik2 perempuan yang masih kecil, masih perlukan jagaan /asuhan. Jadi, sekarang, mak dia tulang belakang keluarga dia. Masa zaman sekolah tu, aku serius tak sangka dia sesusah / semiskin itu. Sampai lah ada kawan lain cerita kat aku, yang dia tu, tahap susah hidup dia, sampai family dia berkongsi sewa rumah dengan orang lain. Korang boleh bayangkan tak? Sebuah rumah setingkat, bilik dalam 3 ke 4 kut macam tu, bilik air mungkin 2, ( aku agak melalui tgk rumah tu dari luar je lah) lepastu setiap bilik tu keluarga yang berlainan. Ada jugak lelaki bujang yang menyewa bilik dalam rumah tu. Ya allah kesian weh. Aku terfikir, macam mana dia belajar. Keadaan rumah macam tu langsung tak kondusif. Kena kongsi satu bilik sekeluarga, lepas tu bilik air kongsi dengan orang luar entah sapa2. Nak jaga aurat lagi (sebab kawan aku tu perempuan, the whole family dia perempuan). And, aku dengar dulu, sejak ayah dia meninggal, tak mampu bayar kereta, kereta kena sita. Jadi, ada motor je satu. Tahap tak cukup duit tu sampai mak dia terpaksa hantar adik yang paling kecil, ke kampung, untuk tinggal dgn ahli keluarga lain kat kampung. Mungkin sedara atau atuk opah dia. Tu aku tak tau, tak berani nak tanya banyak sebab yelah, hal2 berkaitan kesusahan / pendapatan gaji semua ni agak sensitif bagi sesetengah orang. 

Ayah aku selalu cakap, sentiasa pandang orang yang berada di bawah kita, bukan orang yang diatas. Sebab dengan cara ni kita boleh ‘develop’ rasa syukur dengan apa yg kita ada. Kembali kepada cerita aku, someone close to me said “kita orang sederhana, tapi kenapa hidup kita macam B40”. Dia kata macam tu semata-mata sebab dia tak dapat kemahuan dia. Again I repeat ‘KEMAHUAN DIA’. Bukan keperluan. Untuk lebih spesifik, kemahuan dia ialah dia nak gadjet mahal macam ipad untuk belajar sedangkan di rumah dia dah cukup dah ada desktop 2 unit untuk memenuhi keperluan. Pada pandangan aku, desktop tu cukup je untuk tahap pembelajaran sekolah menengah. Cukup untuk menyertai kelas online di musim pkp. Sebab tu, kadang aku terfikir, kenapa dia tak pandang orang susah, macam yang aku cerita tadi.. rumah pun berkongsi dengan orang lain. Langsung tak kondusif, apatah lagi gadjet. Gadjet yang si miskin tadi ada cuma handphone murah harga RM200 -300 mcm tu. Jika nak dibandingkan dengan ‘someone close to me’ tadi yang ada desktop 2 unit, dalam rumah ada wifi laju lagi. Hmm..fikir fikirkanlah.

2. Hidup dengan kehidupan kita, bukan kehidupan orang lain.

Okay, sebenarnya tajuk kedua ni agak berkait dengan topik yang di atas tadi. Apa yang aku maksudkan disini ialah, kita kena sedar diri kita di mana. Nak senang cerita, aku ambil diri aku sendiri lah. Aku seorang pelajar tahun 2 perubatan, hidup dengan elaun Mara (berstatus pinjaman boleh ubah) bukan biasiswa penuh. Aku masih menumpang di rumah mak ayah aku, sebab campus uni dekat dengan rumah. 

Poin aku sekarang ialah, sebagai pelajar yang masih menuntut, langsung tidak ada pendapatan sampingan, dan duit elaun pun aku guna untuk keperluan harian, duit minyak kereta, duit untuk bayar makan aku luar di rumah sepanjang pengajian, dan duit untuk beli ‘medical-related stuff’, AKU KENA SEDAR YANG AKU NI SANGAT2 LAH B40. Kenapa? Sebab... Kerja pun tak, gaji takde. Elaun pun pinjaman, bukan biasiswa, tu pun berapa ratus je, plus, aku memang tak minta tambahan duit belanja daripada mak ayah, sebab tak nak susahkan mereka, mereka ada anak2 yang lain untuk difikirkan, untuk ditanggung kosnya. Jadi aku hidup dgn duit elaun je. Rumah takde, tumpang rumah mak ayah. Kereta pun takde. Yang ada tu semua mak ayah punya. Lupa nak mention, aku memang tak mintak dah duit mak ayah sejak aku masuk asasi.

Bila kita sedar semua ni. Yes, kita akan berpijak di bumi yang nyata. Jadi, untuk apa pakai gadjet mahal2 iphone 12 latest2 semua tu. Kenapa perlu beli barang2 branded yang kita sememangnya tak mampu nak beli? Kenapa sanggup habiskan duit makan tempat mahal2 sedangkan kita tak mampu? Kenapa perlu untuk kita kejar benda yang bukan taraf kita. Semata2 sebab trend? Wow, sebab trend je kita sanggup habiskan duit yang tak berapa nak ada ni. 

Ni lah yg aku maksudkan dengan, “hidup dengan kehidupan kita, bukan kehidupan orang lain”. Jangan sebab kita nampak kawan2 pakai gadjet latest, kita pun nak ikut kejar pakai benda yang sama. Jangan terpengaruh. Sedar diri kita di mana. Kalau betul2 nak, pergi belajar rajin2 kerja bagus-bagus, waktu tu, dah mampu, ha, nak beli, belilah. Aku tak halang kalau korang nak jadikan sesuatu yang mahal tu sebagai ‘reward’ untuk diri sendiri setelah korang punya ‘mission accomplish’. Tapi berpada2 lah reward tu pun. Jangan lah sampai mahal sangat, melebihi kemampuan diri. 

Jadi, dalam kes korang, korang nilai2 kanlah sendiri.

3. Belajar untuk menyesuaikan diri, bukan meminta keadaan untuk disesuaikan mengikut kehendak kita.

Pengajaran yang ketiga, sesuaikan diri dengan keadaan sekeliling. Yang ni pun siap di sebut lagi dalam peribahasa melayu, “masuk kandang kambing mengembek, masuk kandang kerbau menguak”. Maksudnya, kita kena menyesuaikan diri dgn tempat dan keadaan. Contoh dia lebih kurang je dgn situasi yang aku dah bincang kat atas. Plus, benda ni semua orang faham kut. Sebagai contoh lah eh, dalam course medic aku kat uni, bukan semua orang mampu nak beli ipad untuk mudahkan pembelajaran. So, dalam satu batch tu, ada a few of us yang takde ipad, stay old-fashion iaitu print notes. So, tengok diorang, even though susah sikit la kan, sebab notes BANYAK GILA NAK PRINT, dengan tersilap print lagi, dengan lecturer update slide powerpoint last minute, still diorang bersabar dan excellent at the end of the day. Tak pernah merungut. Sebab apa? Sebab mereka menyesuaikan diri dengan keadaan, keadaan yang susah la, duit tak berapa nak ada sangat. 

Semua contoh yang aku guna, berkait dengan student, sebab aku sendiri adalah pelajar. Tapi ini tidak bermakna yang ianya tidak boleh diaplikasi pada situasi lain. Korang boleh je kaitkan dengan kehidupan masing-masing.

Basically all these lessons are not new, just we, humans tend to forget what we need to realize and to remember. I’m just putting these issues up here to remind us all of what we always forget. Jazakallahu khairan kathira.

Friday 15 May 2020

Saya Nak Jadi Doktor!

Salam, hii. Minta maaf, title melayu tapi cerita English. Sorry bahasa rojak juga. I'm just too excited..
 tag: Doctor to be, i want to be a doctor

I have been keeping this dream since primary school. Eventhough i didn't know how does it look like to be a doctor, (all i knew was, a doctor treats people who are ill) my atuk did convinced me, it's a noble occupation.

Keeping that ambition deep inside me, I didn't look at other profession at all. For me, other works are unactractive.
- pardon me for my opinion, it's just my point of view, other occupations are noble and important as well ✌🏻-

Never have I ever thought that now, I'm pursuing my study in a medical school. One of the reason is that, I failed to put 10A's on my PT3 result. I knew in my heart, I broke ayah's heart that day. 

Ayah taught me a lot. He was the one who asked me to do extra homework during weekends, the one keeping an eye on me. My mom did it too, she taught me Physics at school. ( Yes, I was a teacher's daughter)

Then I promised myself I'll do anything to get 9A's for my SPM, because if i fail again, I have to forget this ambition forever. -(because I am hoping for scholarship, plus they'll only favour those with all A's) 

Each day I prayed, asking God to favour me for my Spm as a compensation for my plain PT3 result.

Addmath and Chemistry were the killers, both made my results ugly hahahah.

Unbelievably, I did it. I took my result literally on my birthday, 15 March 2018. I cried on the stage hahahhhah. Seeing those pictures taken on that day - i whispered myself, " How ugly I was, to cry on stage". Tangisan kegembiraan. Tambah pulak, masa tu I don’t know why my face had a terrible breakout. So there were pictures showing like a sprinkle of redness on my face, but who cares, I excelled, i got straight A’s 😂😂, I ranked second in my school !

Today, there is only a few years left before I become a real doctor. Everything happens so fast as if I'm daydreaming. 

Just a picture of me wearing labcoat. 😊👩🏻‍⚕️

So to anybody out there, as long as you have eagerness upon something you like, you are going to get it if you fertilize your dream with hardworks and reliance to your God.

I believe you can do it. 

But if you fail after all hardworks and sacrifices, He has a better plan for you.  He knows what’s best.

Friday 18 October 2019

WOW UniKL RCMP - MBBS Registration September 2019

Assalamualaikum and hi there !

Congratulations for those who are chosen to be here in this program. I can say that RCMP is one of the best institute for MBBS as it has a lot of hands-on activities.

After graduating from Foundation in Science -UniKL at Kolej MARA Kuala Nerang, my batch and I continue our degree in MBBS at Universiti Kuala Lumpur - Royal College of Medicine Perak which is located in Ipoh.

I am very thankful to Him, as he made me study here, in Rcmp. UniKL RCMP is just 15 minutes away from my house ! Ahhahhahh. Puas aku duduk Ipoh 😂

The day i registered is the most memorable day because it marks the beginning of my degree life.

So, dengan berbekalkan dokumen pendaftaran, borang MARA and stuffs and not to forget, massive support from my whole family , i went for the registration and Alhamdulillah all went well. Smooth je process kat sini. Just make sure anda tak tertinggal apa2 dokumen..

My friends and i ( a total of 4) planned to be roommates since college and we came together during registration. So, if you guys want to be together in a hostel, do register together.

Hostel :

Rcmp has 2 towers for students' dwellings. I would like to remind that this campus is so small causing only students in the first year / first semester are able to stay in hostels.

Talking about hostel, here i share some photos of my room ( Tower A : Lvl 10 : Room 5 ). Quite beautiful and cosy actually.. and fyi, only rooms at level 10  and a few rooms at other levels got green, shining floor 😮

Cantik enn 😍😍😍

Pintu bilik, yg kanan tu pintu cloth line.

Baru check-in

Ruang untuk letak toiletries and patutnya ada cloth line..
tapi maklumlah, jadi penghuni pertama level 10 blok A, cloth line pun takde lagi.

My roommates and I got to be the first batch to live at level 10 tower A ( almost everything is new).
So far, I'm satisfied with the facilities provided.


Here in UniKL, we call the orientation program as WOW which stands for welcoming & orientation week. It's just the same like MDS in uitm.

Here i attached our sept 2019 WOW schedule.

WOW is more to club briefing, plus a few activities to increase cooperation and quick thinking skill.

The best part is, we did video conference 3 times with other 11 unikl campuses (2700 new students if I'm not mistaken).

My orientation group. we took this pic after the talent time in WOW session.

We won the third place for the sketch (Talent time).

The next to weeks after WOW session, we start our very first learning sessions and for MBBS, it is more to developing you into being a passionate doctor-in-the-making.

2 weeks after the WOW sessions is named as PPD weeks ( Personal and Professional Development). The professors  taught us things about ethics being a doctor, alturism, public speaking, and even the correct way to digest a few pages in a short period of time.

Picture of us taking quiz after being asked to digest 3 pages in half an hour

Belum lecture dah quiz.. 😂😂

Btw, during this PPD week, you'll get your very first assignment here by a prof. She'll assign you to make a personal EPORTFOLIO.. by using Google Site..

Medsoc Night:

Medsoc is a short form of Medical Society. Every student in MBBS program is a member of Medsoc. During medsoc night, the seniors will give a briefing abut the club, and there'll be registration for new members of MedSoc plus Preloved Medial Book Sale.

In the Blue Lecture Theatre

Preloved Medical Books Sale at the Student Lounge.
After a week in RCMP, our foundation lecturers from KMKN came here for meeting and e had a selfie. Sorry for putting this pic here but I just want to keep it here, in my blog.

A part of YTP KMKN 18/19 in front of RCMP new building.

Hit me up for any questions and infos. 😊
I'm sorry if I write too much for this post. I'm just too excited and contented. Heee

Monday 26 August 2019

Homestay Pak Lah

Post tag : near berdekatan lost world of tambun, kskb ulu kinta, ipg kampus ipoh, homestay selesa dan bersih, family trip, 

Introducing to you guys, my parents' house which is now converted into a Homestay. I'm helping my parents to promote our accomodation service.

Homestay PakLah

38, Persiaran Perpaduan 3, Taman Perpaduan, 31150 Ulu Kinta Perak.

(Teres 1 tingkat 3 bilik tidur, 2 tandas)

Harga : RM180/malam
Deposit RM50 ke akaun Maybank 158462079718 (Nor Sahidah binti Hamid)

Lihat gambar: (google photo)

Alamat lokasi gps:

5 minit dari Lost World of Tambun.
Boleh masak, ada mesin basuh.
Aircond di master bedroom.
Peti sejuk, iron dan tilam/bantal extra. Hall luas. Parking luas.

Important Nearby Places:

⭐ Lost World of Tambun = 5 minit (1.9 km)
⭐ Eco Rm2 = 2 minit (350 meter)
⭐ IPG Kampus Ipoh = 5 minit (2.9 km)

⭐ KSKB Ulu Kinta = 12 minit ( 7.1 km)
⭐ STAR Ipoh = 15 minit (8.1 km)
⭐ Sekolah Izzudin Shah = 15 minit (8.1 km)

⭐ Politeknik Ungku Omar = 15 minit (8.3 km)

⭐ Unikl Rcmp = 17 minit (10 km)
⭐ MAPS Movie Animation Park Studio = 19 minit (15 km)

Restoran terdekat:

😋 Mee Rebus Ramli
😋 253 Classix
😋 Restoran Kampung Ipoh
😋 Mc Donald's Sunway City
😋 KFC Sunway Tambun
😋 Marrybrown Giant Tambun
😋 Pizza Hut Giant Tambun
😋 Medan Selera di Giant Tambun :
     🍎 Sizzling mee Hot Plate
     🍎 Nasi Ayam
     🍎 Aneka Lauk

Any inquiries please contact /
Untuk pertanyaan, hubungi :

Hasbullah   0195051844

Sahidah       01165051844
Nadhirah    01165681844

I'll be updating this post as frequent as possible. Thanks for stopping by.

Monday 8 July 2019

My first awesome html webpage ever (Coding) ⌨️🖥️

Assalamualaikum, hii semua!
Saja nak share something new for me, mungkin bagi sesetengah orang kat luar sana, benda ni is only a small matter..

But then, i still want to put this memory here, maybe someday I'll scroll my blog and read this post, just to reminisce how difficult i was to finish this assignment.

Initially, bila cikgu perkenalkan kat kami tentang coding dan cara kita buat webpage, i was like thinking, "why do this thing (coding) is so hard, because we have to memorize the syntax and stuff, to make just a simple yet not-so-pretty webpage ?"

But then, bila dh belajar overall baru nampak dgn jelas dan faham. Hehehe..

Ni haa.. my webpage.. boleh visit. It's about Apert Syndrome. A topic that is related to medical issues.

So, what can i conclude is that, IT and I are not meant to be hahahahah. Takde jodoh la, sebab tak minat.